Galveston Island, TX

Even laundry day can be turned into exploration. If you’re ever in the area and need to do laundry, I can highly recommend Washateria in Jamaica Beach on Galveston Island. You can recognize a good laundromat right away because it doesn’t have “Out of Order” signs on half of its machines. It also has liberal signage explaining how many quarters each machine takes and how long you can expect each to run. These are necessary, user friendly characteristics. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

So ends the lesson on laundromats.

The Gulf today looks angry. It’s overcast and very humid, almost to the point of misting. The wind gusts are occasionally strong enough to knock you off your step. The surf is about as inviting as a snake bite.


Speaking of which, I continue to see many signs warning me about snakes, gators, and other unfriendly types, but have yet to actually see one.  Did you like that segue?  I sure did.




The road along the gulf is lined with parking that is pay by phone. That’s a new one on me, but I guess it follows the logical progression of our technology age and smart phones.   And they have an amusement park on a pier which looked like it didn’t even bother to open in this weather.

On the way down to Galveston from the succulent environs of Houston, (this is not the tasty dish version of succulent, but the man this place sucks, how does anybody live here, version).  Ok, wait a minute, I distracted myself.

Along the highway on the way down here I saw two billboards claiming “Salsa’s” as having the best margaritas in Texas. In my wanderings I happen to drive right past Salsa’s and decided to test that claim (a couple of times). Yes, I really did just happen upon it and then remembered the billboards. The boast was well founded and luckily I was close to the park ‘cause they definitely turned the rest of the afternoon into a great nap day. 😉

Silent Stories, Galveston Island style. I had to take this photo from quite a ways away, not wanting to wander through the weeds. (see above sign).




I didn’t really spend any time in town, but I liked Galveston Island a lot.  The campground, not so much, thus no usual picture of my campsite.


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