Friday AM, One last post …

……. before leaving this wifi signal.

I woke up this morning with a particular group of men on my mind and in my prayers. And a still small voice encouraging me to share something about this important piece of my faith life.

I am a member of a Catholic lay movement called Cursillo. It stretches way beyond the Twin Cities into the whole United States and the world. It actually started in Spain.

At it’s heart we endeavor to be a giant support group for each other in our efforts to live daily Christian lives of Piety, Study, and Action. Other denominations in the wider church have similar to identical movements with names such as Tres Dias, Via de Christo, and Emmaus.

So, back to the particular group of men. Throughout the year there are three day retreat weekends that are important events in the life of our community. One such weekend is taking place now at Guardian Angels Church in Oakdale, and through the weekend I, along with literally thousands of others, will be holding these men in prayer.  A women’s retreat will also take place upcoming.

I just wanted to share this piece of my morning thoughts and prayers with you and encourage any and all, regardless of your denominational affiliation, to consider making one of these weekends a part of your journey.

Peace to your day,                                                                                                         eric

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