Yosemite VI

The list of people to thank for being able to enjoy Yosemite today is a long one.  Here are just a few.  This is a people list, God of course is His own list.

Talk about your multitasking.  In June of 1864, at the height of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, signed a bill federally protecting two tracks of land, the Mariposa Grove of Sequoias, and Yosemite Valley.  This was due in large part from the lobbying efforts of Galen Clark, who was the first white man to enter the grove of giant Sequoias at the southern end of what is now Yosemite National Park.  This was the first time in history something like this was done.  Yellowstone was the first national park but this was the first designation of protected land.

John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt get the credit for Yosemite eventually becoming a National Park.  They camped together in two different spots, and by the time Teddy left and had spent three days with John Muir, Yosemite National Park was all but a done deal.

Who knew, the Buffalo Soldiers after their service in the west during the Civil War, became the first guardians of the park.  They were sent here without much authority but used creative methods to manage and protect.  The Park Service has some Rangers who are descendants of the Buffalo Soldier Battalion.

The  presence of the Awaneeche People when the park was created did much to shape its care and development.  Maria Labrado was the last Native Awaneeche to live in the park.  She died in 1931.


I’ve spent a lot of time up at the overlook that looks down the valley.  Time spent reading and watching the light and clouds and mist.  This is my favorite light condition so far.  I didn’t edit the image.


And this one is just a tribute and a nod to Ansel Adams.  It’s been tempting to post a lot of black and white shots, but I didn’t want to act like some Ansel wannabe. 🙂

Today is nice so I’m getting back out on the bike.  I hiked up to Vernal Falls this AM.  Tomorrow and Saturday are supposed to be for crap again.  Sunday I’ll be leaving but will still have a lot of Yosemite left in me.

I am well and hope you all are too.





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