Yosemite VII

Friday, March 24th

Today, the weather is in fact for crap.  I would call the rain suppressing.  After drizzling around for the morning, I decided to make my way down the hill to Mariposa and hang out at the library for awhile.  It’s warm and dry, and my Momma did not raise a fool.  Oh, and did I mention good internet access and cell signal.  I’ve been feeling very disorganized since my phone change.  I did lose some pictures, but luckily some of the more recent ones I’d taken were in my mail which was recovered.  I move the photos from phone to laptop in mail, save them in a folder, and upload them to my site for use in a post.  There’s probably a better way but I don’t know it.  Anyway, I digress.

I did in fact make a change in plan for next week as I think I inkled in an earlier whine.  I am not going from here up to Truckee.  In this case “up” is both north and higher elevation.  The driving in Northern California is getting iffy in the higher elevations.  The day I arrived, they opened the road to the park that comes in from the south.  They closed it again to “chains only” on Wednesday.  My original intent was to wander through Death Valley on the way up to Yosemite.  I think I’ll be wandering through it on the way back down the way I came.  Down being both south and lower.  Read that, warmer and drier.  I am wet and cold, well not right this moment, my stuff is wet and cold, and I am ready for something different.  I have been happy to be “roughing it”, (no electricity, walk to water) in the park for the past eleven or so days.  But a change in “comforts” will be welcome.  I have a battery and a small inverter, so I’ve been able to keep my stuff charged, but otherwise it’s been old school.  It’s been days since I had a shower, and days and days since I had a beer.  But I am totally smiling while I’m writing all of this.  I feel privileged to have been here.

I’m going to stop writing so I can start back to feeling organized.  My In Box is loaded with pics and I have to figure out where I am with all of that.  Forgive me if I repeat some.  Like I said yesterday, I still have loads of Yosemite in the pipeline.

I’m great, truly, but think of me tonight. 🙂  It will be dark, it will be raining or snowing, and it will be cold.  I think everybody should have my life.




7 thoughts on “Yosemite VII”

  1. Yosemite looks fantastic! I hope to get there some day. Looking forward to hearing all about it. Safe travels!

  2. Some incredible photos Pop! I still can t believe you are finally there, and that place really does exist. You are living a dream!
    Love you lots,

  3. holding you in my prayers every day my sweet T, stay safe and be well, love you and miss you…….

  4. By the time I got to the end of your time in Yosemite, you had me all itchin’ to go campin’. But I prefer the luxury of my own bed to camping in the snow, so alas, I must wait…

    I so enjoy reading your posts. It had been awhile (since before Las Cruces), but I find I do it that way because then I can read it like a story. And something in your writing, I think maybe it’s your descriptions, reminds me of the writers of days past; I’m talking Hemingway, Steinbeck, Fitzgerald.

    Anyway, I’m sorry to hear about the misfortune along the way. Mom told me about it long before I read about it. I’m glad you got to explore and enjoy Yosemite, it looked and sounded amazing. Love ya!

    1. Honey, I love ya’, …… but, ……….., I’m pretty sure I don’t belong with that bunch.
      Thanks though. 🙂

  5. It’s been quite a while since I have been able to read your blog. I have missed it. I so enjoy “listening” to you talk about your adventures.
    I am glad you are doing well. Sure do miss you.
    Love ya,

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