Cathedral Gorge State Park, Panaca, NV

It occurred to me while thinking about these most recent posts, that I may have lost the timeline a bit in my writing.  So to catch up on that little piece; today is Friday, the 31st.  It rained last night, but not hard, and it has been cold and overcast all day today so I’ve used “cabin time” to catch up.  I was in a good frame of mind for it.

I left Yosemite last weekend and since then have spent time in Ridgecrest and Shoshone.  On Wednesday I arrived at this nice little spot on the plateaus of eastern NV, not far from the Utah line.  The park is in the valley of a little canyon lands area.  It’s a long valley with cattle ranches and some crop circles.  So far, one warm night and day, and one cold night and day.  All of the highest peaks I can see in any direction have snow patches on them.  The next couple of days are supposed to be sunny and warm.

On Wednesday evening, after I got all set up, I sat with a cigar and watched the light play on the bluffs across the way from my site.  

If you are wondering what all the posts are about, they protect a regulation volley ball court that is strapped out on the ground.  There’s a couple of very nice handicap accessible campsites next to it.   The evening sky was also interesting.  Just to the west of here is something called the Tonopah Test Range and the Nellis Air Force Range Complex.  If you look closely you can see a number of contrails evidencing four aircraft turning in unison.  I was able to watch lots of different contrails appearing in various directions of travel.  It looked like the folks over there were testing and looking at their stuff. 🙂

It was a very nice afternoon and evening and I felt like I’d landed in a spot that I could stay at into next week if I wanted.

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