Monday AM, Milton, FL

You know you’re a dedicated blogger when you’ll get up in the morning and drive 17 miles to a McDonalds to get a wifi signal. 🙂

I am well and hope y’all are too.

6 thoughts on “Monday AM, Milton, FL”

  1. We’re in FL too! Little chilly but lots of warm hearts here! Leaving in a few minutes for our first-ever cruise! To the Bahamas! My sister-in-law is getting worse. She can’t play cribbage any longer. So sad to see, but she’s very loveable and healthy otherwise. Her husband Dick takes loving care of her. I can only hope for care like he gives. Take good care and stay safe! Love and Prayers, Kathryn

  2. Can’t tell you how much I enjoy your stories. I look forward to them. You are inspiring me to blog when I go to Paris in September. I didn’t know you had history in Bemidji! I do too! Someday I’ll tell you about it. Very special place in my heart! Glad the gators aren’t nipping at your toes! Continue to travel safe and keep writing!

  3. Loving hearing about your travels, Eric. Thought about you at Clausura on Sunday, how you have been at so many of them. And now you are on a different kind of journey at a very transitional time of your life. Holding you in prayer, my Friend.

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