Durango, CO

Had a nice, including Easter, six days back in Durango.  I stayed at the same RV Park, Alpen Rose, and the weather was great.




I did a lot of riding and here’s some shots from right in Durango of a skate park and kayak park.  Durango HS was having a four team tournament so I enjoyed some high school baseball as well.  After church on Easter Sunday, I ate an obscenely large breakfast and took a favorite drive up the canyon and valley of the Delores River.

I’ve been remiss in making official what many of you already know.  As I write this I am back home in St. Paul, but I’ll spare you having to look at the same picture of me again in my dining room. 🙂

I am well and hope you all are too.  Thanks very much for following this year’s winter trip.  At this time, I don’t have anything to comment on as far as future travel and posts.

One thought on “Durango, CO”

  1. Welcome back – happy that I was one of the first to be able to greet you in Minnesota 🙂 NOW I am officially all “caught up” on the reading enjoyment & picture enjoyment (and general awe). Thanks for sharing all of this. Hope to see you soon.

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