Donde Yo Vivo

First a pic from back home.  This is my little crew of Loved Ones out enjoying some Super Saturday activities downtown.  The caption from the photo was, Buenos Dias from -6 degrees!  Left to right is Blaine, Karin, Carrie, and Adam.  I love these guys to the moon.  No word on whether or not they got a spiff for standing in front of a sleep number ad.

From there to some more pics of my Guate family.  We have a new emerging tradition of street food supper on Fridays in Santa Ana. Risky stuff for most gringos, but for me, worth it.  No, I didn’t have to use my cipro the next morning. 🙂  Seidi is on the left with Renato across from her, then Lourdes, Sammi, and next to her Fernando, a friend from school.     

Here are some shots, from the roof top, looking around my neighborhood.  The third view is looking toward Fuego, one of the active volcanos near Antigua.


And here’s a closer view.  Kinda shaky ’cause I was too lazy to go downstairs and get my little tripod.  One of the differences you see between Fuego and Agua, the next photo, is that Fuego is bare and scarred at the top from lava flow.  Agua, which is considered still active, shows it’s vegetation all the way to the top.

And lastly, a few shots from around Antigua.  This mobile eye exam trailer was parked in the courtyard at The Church of San Francisco.  The sign, context adjusted, says “Consider the View”.




I took this shot because the contrast really struck me.  It’s a very run down, abandoned building, with one of the nicest set of doors on the block.



I still can enjoy the occasional cigar while in Guatemala.  Interestingly enough, I see mostly the same cigars on the shelf here as I do at Stogies on Grand back home.  They come from Nicaragua, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and down here, Cuba.  Frankly, I’ve tried Cubans down here and in Mexico, and never really got the big deal about them.  I guess it’s just the whole forbidden fruit thing.

I am well and hope you all are too.

2 thoughts on “Donde Yo Vivo”

  1. Hola, e! Enjoyed getting caught up with your activities & seeing your pics. Glad that you are doing well & are caffeinated 🙂

  2. Street food in Santa Ana sounds like a great time! Yummy! Mobile eye exams makes me smile!
    We all miss and love you!

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