Mi Casa

Several people have mentioned wanting to see some photos of the inside of the house that I’m living in.  My daughter in particular reminded me that she likes to be able to picture me in my element. You know, the camper, the campsite, the campground, and now the house.

This is my specific part of the house, the bedroom and the bathroom.  While I was looking at these photos, it reminded me how photos that we look at on line of hotel rooms, BnBs, resorts, etc., always make places look so inviting.  


This is the living room.  The “garage” is in the background to the left.  And below, the kitchen.



Outside my bedroom door are the stairs leading up to the roof top patio.




Behind the house, the ground rises sharply all the way to the top of a large hill.



I like it here, in both the house and in Santa Ana.  Well, there is the oft heard chorus of barking dogs.  But, ………….

I am well and hope you all are too.


3 thoughts on “Mi Casa”

  1. Hey! Real nice place you got there Pop! You’re right, is does look inviting. I agree with Carrie, I always like to see your surrounding conditions.

    Love you lots,

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