I wish I had taken them

A week ago or so, Fuego had one it’s angrier days.  Seidi took this picture at school.  It was spewing smoke and ash thousands of feet in the air.  The kids were all hoping for what would be the Guatemalan version of a snow day, but alas, it didn’t happen.





I’ve mentioned Kimberly in previous posts.  In January, her and some of her friends hiked up the mountain next to Fuego for a camping trip.  She shared these photos with me and I’m sharing them with you.




They are some spectacular photos.  I wish I had taken them.

5 thoughts on “I wish I had taken them”

  1. Just caught up with your blog. Again, great writing!
    I’m very jealous of the great relationships you have formed there. Hope we’ll make a trip together one day. Please tell Renato to give all of our love to Alejandra and her family.

    1. Thank you Len. Yes, there are a lot of people and places here that are like gifts to me.
      Renato will likely see your comment at some point, but I will pass it along for sure.

  2. Active and now angry?! Does that ever make anyone in town nervous, or is it just part of the landscape and not much to worry about? Fascinating to think about the core of our Earth.

    1. Visitors are the only ones who ever pay much attention to it. But there are those days,
      like in the photos, when the eruption activity is unusual. I’ve never sensed any fear about
      it, but I can’t speak for the people who live near the base. Over there you can see areas
      with substantial ash dust on the vegetation.

  3. Wow! These pictures are amazing regardless of who took them :). Thank you for sharing! I didn’t realize that there was a volcano there!

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