Saturday, Destin, FL


I can’t say enough about how enjoyable my stay with my friends Cherie and Gary has been.  And it was made all the more enjoyable by a visit on the weekend from Gary’s cousin Bob and his wife Wanda.  We had the best time visiting, eating, walking, having some margaritas and laughing a lot.  Here we are enjoying said margaritas on the Riverwalk along the marina in Destin.

Gary and I played some golf on a couple of days.  My golf can best be described as flashes of brilliance surrounded by mountains of mediocrity.  But it didn’t matter because we were on the golf course, in shorts and T shirts, the sun was shining, and oh, the government was giving us money.  I received my very first social security payment last week.  Hoo, hoo, hoo!  🙂


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