Santa Ana Kid’s Procession

The Church here in Santa Ana has a small school.  On Saturday the kids from the school had their own La Procesion.  Here are a few photos of a big day for them.  Next week is a very important weekend for Santa Ana.  It will be the inicio, the starting point, for the procession to and through Antigua.  I’m thinking it’s going to be hard to get anywhere in Santa Ana, even on foot.

The float they are carrying is a smaller replica of a larger one that features Jesus carrying his cross and his Mother Mary.  The sign on the front says, happy are they who believe without seeing.


3 thoughts on “Santa Ana Kid’s Procession”

  1. Pop, It looks like you are there for some pretty amazing and significant local events. Did you know you were going to be witness to all of this in planning for your trip?
    Love ya lots,

    1. Years ago I was here on Palm Sunday, so I knew about Processions. Didn’t know Santa Ana would be one of the starting points.

  2. Wow Eric! This is so neat. I didn’t know that you would be seeing that! Very cool. Enjoy all of the amazing festivities you get to see!

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