Third Procession Sunday

The procession today starts in Jocotanengo which is a ways out from Antigua.  It also means that the procession won’t reach the main part of Antigua until later in the evening.  Too late for me to be walking home, and I didn’t know whether it was realistic for me to hope to catch a ride.  But these photos are mostly procession related.

These people are walking along a street outside the Church of San Francisco called Calle de los Pasos.  Literally translated it means street of steps.  The Catholic translation is Stations of the Cross.  The first station is on the grounds of San Francisco and most of the stations are all along the Calle de los Pasos. The last two are on the grounds of El Calvario, a church about mile away.  These two photos show the outside and inside of one of the stations.


Here is an area where much of figures and floats used in the processions are stored.  The processions build in size so a lot of these are not used until the last ones.  Here’s favorite of mine; the supper table in the Upper Room with the Apostles arguing amongst themselves.

Remember a photo from a few posts ago of a vendor meeting outside the Church of La Merced?  Here’s what it looks like in the little park in front of the church on a precession Sunday.

And always the carpet work before the processions.


Evening back home up on the roof.  I am well and hope you all are too.

One thought on “Third Procession Sunday”

  1. I was going to ask how long the procession took for everyone! What was the distance?
    Great pictures! It looks really busy for the Precession on this Sunday! Amazing:).

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