Friday Night in Santa Ana of Procession Weekend

On Friday night materials are being staged for the upcoming carpet creations.  Here are a bunch of large bags of different colored sand, and below, one of my neighbors is sifting and working through some sand to make it as fine as possible.

Inside the church, up towards the front was a carpet and this display of spirits.  I don’t honestly know what it all meant but someone worked very hard on it.  It was so packed in there that there was no chance of getting up to see the carpet.

Then it was time to eat some of Dona (pronounced donya) Luki’s great food, and find some treats for desert.

Below are buenuelos.  They are very much like a popover and they are served with a warm syrup that’s mostly honey, cinnamon, and cider.  Oh man!

To the right of the buenuelos is mole.  I think that’s how it’s spelled and it is pronounced moe lay.  Fried plantains in chocolate.  Below, Sammy is trying to decide between churros, on the right, and some caramel apples she spotted earlier.  The churros are essentially sugar donut sticks with chocolate sauce poured on.  Oh man, again!!!

I think I’m gonna like procession weekend in Santa Ana. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Friday Night in Santa Ana of Procession Weekend”

  1. E, just caught up on your posts from this past week. How spectacular!! So many angles and so much heart tugging content. All with love at it’s center. Love the photos, especially the faces of human interaction. Thanks a bunch. T

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