Saturday, the Eve of Procession

I was out and took these shots at about 11:30 PM.  One of my little neighbors was watching his family begin work on their carpet.  For life in Santa Ana, this is like watching your folks play in the Super Bowl.  Work on these carpets was going on all over town and would continue through the night.

2 thoughts on “Saturday, the Eve of Procession”

  1. Just getting caught up and WOW! Your wr brought me fully back and the photos are amazing. It is a great Lenten reflection for me. You honored Fr. Stan beautifully.
    Lenten Mission last week was great and brought our statue of St Raphael to be blessed. Our Guatemalan Archangel.

    1. Thank you. Raphael is a well traveled piece. Your mention of him made me realize how much time has passed since your team trip. Such a blessed time with you and other great friends. I know you will remember Hannah. She’s working elsewhere now, but I see her regularly because she is living right up the street from me in Santa Ana.

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