Buccaneer State Park, Bay St. Louis, MS

This has been my least favorite campground thus far. The sites are very close together, a lot of them don’t have fire pits, and it’s just not as well kept as my previous sites. And then there are the trains.


This is the view from my campsite, and lest it be deceivingly pastoral, there is a train track right over beyond those trees. A very active train track. An all night long train track.


A power station in the State Park

The area however does fascinate me because I view everything through the lens of the one/two punch of Katrina and Rita from 10 years ago. Here’s two examples of how they do things now.


You can spot piles of construction debris and I saw a trailer home on it’s side and pushed into a trapezoid, all of which looks as though it has been that way since 2005. I don’t for minute mean that to sound critical, but only to underscore that the effects of those two storms on this area will remain for a long time. Being in areas that spent weeks, and in some cases months underwater, is hard for me to get my head around.

The people who remained or returned are truly a resilient bunch.

2 thoughts on “Buccaneer State Park, Bay St. Louis, MS”

  1. Hi Eric,
    Sounds like your having a great time and I can only hope Sunday and I can live the same dream. Enjoy!

    BTW – I’m up to date on your blogs 🙂

  2. Eric,
    It is great to see your progress. Lots of prayers went out to you when the weather turned sour. I am up to date on your blog and continue to appreciate your wanderin spirit! Cherrie

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