
Week 4 contained an afternoon of dangerous weather that chased me off the highway and in to yet another motel. But it ended in grand fashion.

This morning I drove into New Orleans, a trip of about 45 miles, and spent most of the day on the bike in downtown and the French Quarter.

Jackson Square with the St. Louis Cathedral on the other side.

It’s hard to know what to shoot pictures of in New Orleans. So much of what you see many people have shot and therefore many people have seen. For me the day had three things I want to share.


The first was Café du Monde for beignets and café au lait. This iconic landmark is seemingly a part of every story about New Orleans that’s ever been written or movie that’s ever been made. It sits between the Quarter and the river, kiddy corner from Jackson Square and the people watching rivals any state fair, airport, or Vegas Strip.


Every afternoon they close off Royal Street and make it pedestrian. That brings out the street musicians. The “shows” are high energy and interactive and the musicianship overall is outstanding.



Legends Park. That’s Fats Dominoe, Al Hirt, and Pete Fountain. Louis Armstrong has his own park.

Lastly, every city has it’s own movie playing every day. You have to allow yourself to be in it. I was able to cover a lot of ground on my bike. From street musicians, to homeless camps, to riverboats, and pigeons, my day was like riding around in a movie with a thousand stages.

By the way, the Superdome makes the old Metrodome look like a doll house.

5 thoughts on “N’Awlins”

  1. I feel like I was there! I’m so envious of your adventure but plan to do the same come the day I can hang up my stethoscope. I can tell you are soaking up and truly living each moment! It is such a joy to follow along. I look forward to each post! Blessings and be safe!

  2. Linda and I in N.O in Sept 1972 – what a dream it was – our honeymoon – nothing better and Linda and soft shell crabs

  3. E,

    A little behind, but New Awlins in “91” with my brothers has memories that will live on forever! Hope you enjoyed a muflata or big dish of crawdads. Great city to visit and the ethnic history that should never change. I am sure you enjoyed your time……. Thanks for the great photos.

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