Images from the Palm Sunday Procession

I was taking these photos right at dusk.  My camera flash was set on automatic and the light was able to fool it.  It kept jumping back and forth, flash, no flash.  First time I felt like my iPhone was more confused than me.  Well, wait a minute.  There was that time in Google Maps ……………

Fine, so it wasn’t that funny.  It was funny to me.


Stations of the Cross Banners



I was pointing my camera up the street at the exact moment they turned on the lights on the float.  Below is what enables the lights.  It’s a gas engine and generator with a very long cord that runs up to the float.  If you remember from previous posts about the processions, the musicians are immediately behind the floats.  The long cord enables the engine noise to stay well back from the music.


The float of the Blessed Mother, and that’s Agua in the background if you’ve been keeping up with your geography lessons.

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