
I usually use this title when I can’t think of anything else to call a post.

I’m worried about my friend Benjamin.  I haven’t seen him since I returned from the lake.  Benjamin is a friend from the streets who lost his legs in a motorcycle accident eight years ago.  He was 24.  Given his circumstances, he’s a very affable and upbeat young man.  Luckily he has a place to live, but now he spends his days hoping to beg enough money to keep him in food and to buy the medicinal cream he needs for his leg sores.  Usually I won’t see him for a couple of days because he just needs to take a break from being in his wheelchair.  I’ve learned I have to ask him if he needs “extra medicine”.  Sometimes he needs to buy antibiotics because his chair sores get infected.  I’ve never gone this long without seeing him.

He’s a variation of the starfish story.  He survived many years before we met, and he’ll survive after I leave.  But in the meantime, I try to make a difference for him.  It’s a cliche, but I really do feel like I get more from him than he gets from me.  He’s that pleasant to know.

On lighter note, I was in my favorite quiet spot, the Cooperative Espana, (put the little squiggle over the n please) the other day, and had an encounter with this little friend.  She was doing her best teasing routine while I took her photo so I had to do what any gringo would do, I bribed her.  Even when she finally took her hands away, you can see she had this little, I’ll show my face but I’m not going to smile, smirk.  I love these people.

I have a few more procession photos to put up and then I’ll stop.  I’ve taken many, shared some, and it’s beginning to feel repetitious.  Right now some of you are thinking, do ya think?

Good Friday is the culmination of the processions.  There are five different processions with two of them going through the night and into morning.  Being in Antigua during Holy Week has been a mixed blessing.  Experiencing it has been something else, but at some point it becomes like being at the state fair every day.   On it’s busiest day.  Don’t know what future winters down here might bring, but I don’t think I would plan to be here the entire week again.  It’s gridlock without cars and I feel like I reached my limit a couple of days ago.

I won’t end this post with my usual tag line because health wise I could be better.  Don’t worry, nothing that serious. 🙂  I’m a few days away from my trip home and I’m ready.  But I always leave Guatemala with mixed feelings.

One thought on “Misc.”

  1. n~ only with the squiggle on top…I just read about Benjamin but commented about him in an earlier post. I hope you get to see him b/f you leave. He’s my “Robin France” of Central America. I too received more from him than he EVER received from me. A happy realization, isn’t it?

    Happy Easter!

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