Bodenburg Butte

Bud and I hiked to the top of Bodenburg Butte which is another great hiking spot right near Palmer where Steph lives.  By comparison this one has a considerably higher degree of difficulty than the hike we took at Thunderbird Falls.  In the middle of the hike the Forest Service has  installed intermittent flights of stairs because it’s so steep.  On my brother’s Fitbit  App it said we went up, in that section, the equivalent of 74 stories.  But in spite of workout, the view from the top is something else.  As I’m fond of saying, it was worth the trip.

In the photo to the right is the view to the northeast.  That’s the Knik Glacier way off in the distance and it’s the Knik River you see in these photos.


2 thoughts on “Bodenburg Butte”

    1. It is a beautiful place with amazing views—I’m blessed to have them all the time, even during the rainy and dark days!

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