The Holy Land

This is just a short preface piece to give some context to the posts I’ll add over the next 10 days or so.

Today, actually yesterday, I began a pilgrimage trip to Israel and Jordan. The Holy Land, until last year, wasn’t really on my radar. But then, while on a retreat last year, a group of friends were all planning on going on this pilgrimage together. The tour was being led by their pastor and they began to “sell” me on joining in. Which I’m very happy to report, I did.

Until now our group has been making it’s way from MSP to Toronto, Toronto to Tel Aviv, and then a bus ride over to the Jordanian border to our first hotel, which is really a resort on the east bank of the Dead Sea. The part of getting here I least looked forward to was the ten hour flight from Toronto to Tel Aviv. It turned out to be not so bad when compared to my expectations. It helps when you can kill the first 6 hours with dinner and two movies.

So, I’m here/we’re here, and I’m looking forward to getting back to some photography and writing.

Thanks for being out there.

3 thoughts on “The Holy Land”

  1. Hello Eric,
    Glad you and your fellow pilgrims have arrived. We look forward to your posting and photos. You are going to enjoy this time on pilgrimage. God bless.

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