The Scots Hotel, Tiberias, Israel

The Scots Hotel has been our “headquarters” for the past three nights.  Part of the hotel is an historic hospital site.  On the front of the pamphlet given to each guest is this simple mission statement: Owned and Operated by the Church of Scotland.  Maintaining Christian Witness in the Land of Christ.         As a proud Ross Clansman with maternal heritage from Scotland, it warms and percolates my pride.  By the way, the joyful presence by the front door is Hein, our Magi Travel Coordinator, who has deftly herded us from place to place.

In 1885, a young 23 year old surgeon named David Torrence arrived from Scotland to set up “The Mission for the Jews” in the Holy Land. His work, along with the work of others in Tiberias, eventually led to a hospital being built on this site that opened in 1894.

In 1959, with establishment of a state-run hospital in Tiberias, it was no longer needed.  It closed for a time and eventually re-opened as a hospice for pilgrims which led to it expanding to a full fledged hotel.  All supported by Scotland and The Church of Scotland.  Today it is a beautiful and welcoming place in Galilee.   

One thought on “The Scots Hotel, Tiberias, Israel”

  1. What a cool spot to call home for three days! Can you tell that it used to be a hospital on the inside?
    The weather looks so nice there! I am guessing its 60s?
    You missed out on the 45 mph winds that were here today.
    I am so glad that you are having such a great trip. 🙂
    Definitely looking forward to hearing more about your adventures over there.
    Love you!

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