Mount Tabor

At the risk of being overly flip while writing about Mount Tabor,  Jesus, and at three of his Disciples, had one heck of hike to get to the top of this baby.

Mount Tabor is the site of The Transfiguration.  Mathew, Mark, and Luke all wrote an account of it in their Gospels.  Jesus was bathed in light with Moses and Elijah in the presence of Peter, James, and John.

The ruins on Mount Tabor are both Byzantine and Roman, and the church is Crusader.  We were able to have Mass in the church while we were here.  To say that the places where we have been able to celebrate Mass on this trip have been special would be a monumental understatement.

The view from atop Mount Tabor.

This day we were in the Palestinian West Bank and had a fantastic traditional Palestinian lunch in Samaria.  A man was offering camel rides outside the restaurant, however his version of hospitality was not freely given.  🙂

This was another of my catch up posts and I have one more of those to do before writing about our last day.  I am well and hope you all are too.

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