Saint Helena

No one would ever accuse me of being a scholar of the Saints. 🙂  That said, I feel compelled to write something (of a tribute) about the impact of this remarkable woman.

Helena was the mother of Constantine.  Those who know their Christian history know that Constantine was the first Emperor of Rome to convert to Christianity.  There seemingly is not complete agreement on who influenced who on the way to both becoming Christian.

Because of her position of prominence as mother of the Emperor, Helena was active and influential in the protection of the Holy Land. We know that she visited “The Holy Places” at least once early in the 4th Century.  With influence and money she made sure that the sites the early Christians of the Holy Land were protecting, and thousands had been pilgrimaging to, were vigorously preserved.  Without her forethought and work, some of the accuracy of site locations might not have survived.  Not only Christians, but the world, owes this woman of history deep gratitude.

One thought on “Saint Helena”

  1. Thank you for sharing this information! How wonderful that all of this was preserved by her work!

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