Dawn, Thursday, February 25th, the beginning of Week 6


Yesterday I made my way across a big chunk of the expanse that is west Texas. I don’t quite know what to say about it other than Leon Russell, David Byrne, and a couple of Divine Mercy Chaplets got me across. The rest of the time I rode along in silence. At one point I tried the radio mostly out of curiosity. It scanned through the whole FM dial without stopping. The AM dial stopped once on a barely audible signal playing mariachi music.

I want to write this without sounding denigrating. But west Texas, ……..

Even if you’ve never been across it, you can probably picture it fairly accurately in your head. Scrub cedar, beaver tail cactus, dead brush, and wind. There are lots of the old style oil well pumps, and the old style windmills pumping water for the cattle. Oh, did I mention there was cattle for company. There’s also lots of table top bluffs with the new kind of windmills, the kind that feed electrical power to the grid.


I landed in a place called Davis Mountains State Park. This became a fall back destination because I couldn’t get a campsite in Big Bend National Park. It’s more popular this time of year than I thought it would be.

Instead I’ll day trip down there. I can’t get this close and not at least see it for a day. But not today. It’s two hours down there and two back and I had enough of the truck yesterday. Today I’m going to do laundry and drive down to Marfa, which is about 25 minutes down the road. More on that later.

One more little note; Last night I found myself cocooning inside my sleeping bag AND under a comforter, something I haven’t done since Alabama. This morning I walked up to a building where there is a wifi signal. There’s no cell service here, the canyons are too deep. It’s 26 degrees here this morning. Even though there is heat in my camper, I have on my fingerless gloves as I’m typing this post. 🙂

One thought on “Dawn, Thursday, February 25th, the beginning of Week 6”

  1. you are somewhat close to me (well south of MN anyway – I have spent the week in Tijuana – business – no pleasure

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