The Tikal Inn

It would prove to be a long couple of days but very worth it.  Two days that started at 3:30 AM.  The first to get to the airport for a morning flight to Flores, the closest airport to Tikal.  It’s a pretty expensive little ride for only thirty five minutes, but the alternative is a six hour bus ride.  I’m curious enough to maybe try the bus ride on a future trip.  I see myself going back to Tikal.

I have tons of pictures and it’s going to take me awhile to sort through and edit them.  I think I’ll pick out some that I will accompany with some writing, and put up a bunch more for you to just look at without lots, in any, comment.  But first, where I stayed.

The Tikal Inn is billed as an “ecology resort”.  That’s code for the electricity is only on in the rooms from six to nine thirty in the evening.  I know that probably sounds awful to a lot of people but it really isn’t all that bad.  The power is always on in the lodge but I had no need for it.  I have a portable charger that Adam loaned to me for this trip and The Holy Land trip.  It’s proven to be worth it’s weight in gold.  I think a lot of Americans have a unique set of expectations about what good accommodations are.  The only other guests were a couple of young families traveling together that I think were German, and three blonds from Latvia who seemed put out when I asked them if they were Norwegian.  Didn’t matter, they mostly ignored everyone.

The pool was actually the nicest part of the grounds.  Although I want to be sure to add that there were four young guys doing all of the food and serving, and those guys could cook.  The food was all native and outstanding.  I didn’t really use the pool, but took several opportunities to sit and read and “soak my dogs”.  That made my feet very happy.   Above is the heart of the water system and below is a very impressive tree.  You can’t really tell from the picture, but at it’s thickest point, it was about five to six feet in diameter.

I’m always a little fascinated by ideas that for whatever reason never came to fruition.  This “idea” was on the grounds right adjacent to the lodge.  I can only imagine what it was going to be and why it only made it part of the way there.

Can’t wait to show you the good part of the trip.                                           Peace to you all.



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