Tikal, Last Shots

I don’t see anything in this last group that warrants specific comment.  Like any “somewhat serious” photographer, I take lots of shots, often the same shots, in hopes a getting a few good ones that seem interesting.  Then it’s playtime in editing.

On a completely unrelated topic to Tikal, in the last three or four days there’s been a lot of seismic activity in Guate and around Central America.  Nothing big, like 4 something on the Richter, and nothing of extended duration.  As a strictly amateur geologist, (incredible understatement), 🙂  No wait, would that be an overstatement?  ??  Whatever.  Now I’ve really thrown my thought off.  As an amateur blah, blah, blah, it makes me wonder what, if any, impact that has on the volcano.  If any of this sounds worrisome it’s not.  This is completely normal stuff down here.  So, believe me when I say;

I am well and hope you all are too.  Peace to your day.

One thought on “Tikal, Last Shots”

  1. It is so hard to imagine how ancient people built this stuff!
    I still feel like we are missing a piece to the puzzle.
    Great photos Pop.

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