New Digs

My friend Carlos, who I usually stay with, had already rented his room to someone else for three weeks in April.  So I had to go looking for a place to stay for the rest of my time here.

Living in underdeveloped countries has its challenges, but it isn’t always choking diesel exhaust, doing without, and dysentery.  Witness my new digs.

I found a very nice private room and bath on the roof top of a house owned by a woman named Hilda.  If ever the need arises, you can find her on AirBnB.  This is right in Antigua, on the south end, so it’s a little more expensive than living in Santa Ana, but not by much.  Here is the front of the house, Number 10, right next to the Urban Dance School.  And below is the street it’s on.

This is the little patio area outside my bedroom door, which you can see on the left side of the photo.  Oh, and did I mention it’s a roof top room?  Below are some  photos showing the view in several directions.


Not bad, huh? 🙂

3 thoughts on “New Digs”

  1. Looks nice! Was this change unexpected? Did you have to scramble to find a new spot? What the heck Carlos?

    1. Thanks for coming to my defense. 🙂
      But it wasn’t unexpected. Back last fall when I booked with
      Carlos again, he had already had someone book April until Easter.
      So finding Hilda’s place was also done way back then.

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