Sundays During Lent

I took these three video clips in the morning on the Sunday before Palm Sunday.  The Procession on this Sunday is one of the longest, best measured by time as opposed to distance.  It starts at 5:30 AM at the Church of St. Bartolomew, and returns to the church at about 1 AM the next morning.  Bartolo, as it’s mostly called, is a small village outside of Antigua to the southwest, and the full name of the church is Templo de la Aldea San Bartolomé Becerra.

As for the videos, I’m already starting to feel a bit frustrated by the fact that I can only post videos that are somewhere between 30 and 34 seconds.  But, that’s my reality.

On one of the clips I wanted to just give you a sense of the Sunday crowds in Antigua during Lent.  And I took this hours and hours before the Procession would actually get to this part of town.  The other two are just of work on the “carpets”, the Spanish word is Alfombras.  I briefly caught a dad teaching his two little kids how to work on them.


I’m within a couple of weeks now of returning home.  As much as I love it down here, it seems like most of us get to the point when we travel, where being back in our own bed and our own environment starts to tug at us.  I enjoy being out of winter and I’ve gotten very close to a lot of good people down here over the years, but the pull of face time with my kids, and Minnesota friends, begins to get very strong.  So, ………, soon. 🙂

In the meantime, ………………., everybody should have my life.  I appreciated you all being “out there”, and I hope you and yours are healthy and happy.



One thought on “Sundays During Lent”

  1. Wow Pop, the new videos are really great addition to your site.
    You now have a new official title of a “Vlogger”!

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