

My friend Len is down for a visit during the last week or so of my time here.  He’s been to Guatemala a number of times, but not recently, and has been a sponsor of children down here for many years.  The first young woman he sponsored is now married with a young daughter and another on the way.

Years ago on a visit he had toured this monastery site and wanted to see what it was like today.

As you can see, it was established in 1736 after a five year construction period.  Like many buildings in Guatemala it sustained creeping instability from earthquakes, two in particular in 1753 and then again in the 1770s.  After less than forty years of operation the local authorities declared it too unsafe for habitation.  And, like other sites around Antigua, the restoration efforts devoted to this site were done with and eye on making it a museum and tourist site.

This is looking across the area of sleeping cells for the community.  Each of those individual rooms only contained a bed, a kneeler, and a camode of sorts that sent their “relievings” down to some unholy place. 🙂

The “nicer” cells had a view of the garden area.  Others just looked out onto a stone wall.  I’m guessing there was some sort of seniority at work with cell assignments.

Below, this video clip of the church was taken from the balcony of the sanctuary.  The public attended masses here, but the sisters being cloistered, would attend mass sitting up here apart from everyone else.


A belated Happy Easter to you all!!

One thought on “Capuchinas”

  1. Blessings of Easter Eric! Thank you for being Len’s side-kick, friend and “helping hand” this Holiest of Weeks!

    Your pictures and videos are wonderful and truly give your followers a desire to be present with you!

    Miss you and look forward to a reunion with your stories when you return.

    Safe home and God Bless you! Kathryn

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