Shameless Plugs

My time in Guatemala is once again coming to an end.  As I’ve written before, leaving here and returning home always is a mix of emotions for me.

The next time I post something will be in June when I will be on a two and half day adventure with friends riding my bike from Duluth to the Twin Cities.  Actually our team (SRF) will be amongst thousands of other riders all raising money for MS.  I’m doing it for my good friend Cherie who has adult onset of MS, and for thousands of others like her.  The ride is the MS 150 which is part of a nationwide effort to raise money for research.

Because I’ve been out of the country since February, my fund raising efforts have been pathetically weak.  So shameless plug number one, if you’re so inclined, is to make a donation in my name to MS Research.  This link will take you to our team page where you can find the team roster.  There is a “Donate” link next to my name.  In June, I promise some pictures and probably a few mildly graphic descriptions of sore butt.  🙂  Thank you.

Click here to view the team page for Team SRF

Another organization I’m involved with is Mary’s Meals.  Our Minnesota group is having a garage sale May 9th and 10th and we’re taking donations of gently used clothing and smaller household items and furniture.  As I haven’t quite figured out how to add an attachment to my post, (if there is one), you can request a flyer with more details by emailing

You can find all kinds of information about Mary’s Meals by searching it.  The story of this organization and it’s founder is a fascinating one.  It was started by a young Scotsman in a quonset hut behind his parents house, and now feeds well over a million kids, at school, every day, principally in Africa.  It literally has a “teach a person to fish” philosophy.  It’s aim is helping people to organize local volunteers, farmers, and food producers to feed school children one meal a day in a place of education.  The result not only feeds kids but benefits local commerce as well.  It is an organization worth checking out and your search can take you to some touching videos.  So shameless plug number two is; if you have items, send a request for the flyer, oh, and did I mention, my little Ridgeline and I will come get your stuff if you need that kind of help.

Lastly of course is my beloved Common Hope.

My near twenty year involvement with this organization has returned to me blessings far beyond what I could ever express.  There are so many great NGOs working around the world.  I’m a little prejudiced, but this is a great one, and it has a strong non-profit rating.  In my opinion, education is the greatest catalyst of need in developing countries.  Common Hope links people to families in Guatemala who need help sending their kids to school.  A sponsored child gives that child an opportunity otherwise out of reach, and it benefits the entire family with access to other services.  Why Guatemala?  Why Common Hope?  Why anywhere?  There is need everywhere.  My involvement started with an invitation from a friend.

Once again I thank you so much for being out there.  What started as a way to share my retirement camping adventures with my kids, has morphed into something I would not have imagined.  Whether it’s from comments on this site, or personal conversations, or texts, or emails, the affirmation I have gotten from you for my sharing is also a blessing I could never adequately describe.



2 thoughts on “Shameless Plugs”

  1. We made sure all of the snow is melted here…..looking forward to seeing you when you get back! Safe travels & God bless you.

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