Them Changes

The overwhelming takeaway from both of this year’s visits with my sponsor kids is new babies!  Last year on my visit we learned that Alba Veronica, Edgar’s mother, had recently learned that she was pregnant, and the boys, Edgar and his brother Ericson, were pretty angry with their parents about it.  Given that their youngest is 16, she was forthright about it being a bit of an “oops”.  A bit??  The boys were honest about the fact that they were still trying to get used to the idea.  Mom told me that got worse before it got better.

This year Nahomi, (short a, silent h), now 8 months of delight, has brought great joy to the entire family.  Including the boys whose feelings have changed entirely.  They are both attentive brothers.  Gratifying to see.  I think years from now when boys start coming around Nahomi, they will have real challenges dealing with her two protective brothers.

I had to be mindful of asking Edgar questions and keeping some focus on him.  It was too easy to have the whole visit, and all of the attention, be on the newest member of the family.

Even though Edgar is focused on school and does well, I learned that he is becoming quite the wanderer.  He has gotten crosswise with his mom for not being up front about where he is, and not being back home when he says he’s going to be there.  Huh, something new with teens. I’ve been around this family for quite a long time now and they are pretty open with their conversations when I’m there. Although there was some laughter when all of this was being discussed, there was also some tension.  I counselled Edgar that his mom’s anger is born out of worry and asked him to be more understanding and respectful about that.  While all of this was being discussed, Ericson, who I’ve also become quite close to and fond of, sat quietly next to me with his sister on his lap and a little smile on his face.  It is also becoming clear to me that Ericson is emerging as the real home body of the two brothers.

Here’s the whole group on this visit.  On my right, (I’m the tall guy), is Ericson.  Then Edgar on my left, Lys who works in Sponsorship for Common Hope and served as translator, mama Alba and Nahomi, and on the far right, Brenda whose the social worker assigned to the family.

Pepiàn, not a breakfast dish, has become the traditional meal during my visits.  Alba likes to cook it, and she knows I like to eat it.  This was a morning visit so we all learned that it is in fact good for breakfast. 🙂     I feel so blessed to be a friend to this family.

One baby per visit please.

I noticed on my Sponsor Activity Report that a new grandson was listed.  I had assumed the boy was the son of Paulina’s sister, Viviana.  But I wondered about it because Viviana is married and living with her husband’s family.  Not so fast grasshopper.

Last year during my visit Paulina was already pregnant but didn’t know it.  In fact, she didn’t find out for a number of months.  Now she is married and with a new son, Oliver.  Another regalito in my life as a sponsor.  You Spanish speakers will recognize that as, “little gift”.

This is Oliver completely focused on his very first selfie.  They say start ’em young.  He did pretty good with getting saliva all over my phone.

When I first figured out that my little flower petal was now a young mother, I was happy to realize that Paulina did not quit school when she learned that she was going to be a mom.  That would have followed a long history of similar stories.  A story repeated throughout the world of unplanned pregnancies.  Lys remarked while returning from the visit that she thought Paulina seemed a little sad.  I don’t disagree with that assessment.  While I was reviewing my pictures from the visit, it was there on her face in some of the photos. 

But also, in the pictures are looks of genuine joy while holding her new son.  She talked about not feeling very connected to him at first.  But that was just at first.  There is no doubt in my mind though that a part of her is feeling like, what have I done?  Way before I was ready.  But then there’s Oliver.  Little gift.  On this visit, Paulina who is very shy, was happy to have all of the attention on Oliver.

The other obvious new thing in Paulina’s life is that she no longer lives in the home where she grew up and is now living in the home of her mother-in-law.  As I mentioned earlier, I’m so happy that school did not end for her.  And that she is still committed to finishing, as hard as that has become.  She now attends classes only on Saturdays and has more homework during the week.  Saturdays are very long days.  Well, all of her days are very long days.  Oliver and her mother-in-law, or her mother, go with her on school days.  Of equal or maybe greater importance than her own desire to finish, I was very happy to learn that her husband, her new mother-in law, and of course her own mother, are all very supportive and want her to finish her schooling.  This is very good news and will likely be the difference maker in Paulina’s ability to finish.  As her sponsor I will be hoping and praying for this to happen.  I told her I want to watch her graduate and I look forward to that day with great love. 🙂


One thought on “Them Changes”

  1. Catching up with all the good news. Exciting stories of family and life. As always you look good holding a baby.

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