Them Changes, cont.

……., and with a little bit of bragging about Common Hope.

My Godchild Edgar was the very first kid sponsored in the town where he lives, San Miguel Milpas Altas.  I should know how long ago that was but I don’t.  It was awhile.  Today, somewhere in the neighborhood of five hundred kids in San Miguel are affiliated with Common Hope.  That means they are sponsored or are the siblings of sponsored kids.  If they are not yet sponsored, they are eligible to be sponsored and already experience some benefits or status as affiliates of Common Hope.

Recognizing a growing need from those kinds of numbers, Common Hope rented a house in San Miguel to establish an educational support center.  Here’s a few pics.

A small library has been started and there are teachers available to provide tutoring sessions.  These students are getting extra help with the accounting skills that are taught in their regular school curriculum.  These are high school students but the center will develop with an eye towards all grade levels.

This is a common area that’s on its way to being whatever is needed.

And here is the computer lab.  The young man in the tan pants and gray sweater is also a tutor.  The center, when it is open, is a secure environment  and will always be staffed and supervised.

Common Hope is about kids and families.  And about a different future in Guatemala.  I love this country and I’m proud to be a small little piece of that.  I came to Common Hope because friends brought me here.  But whenever I talk about Common Hope I always try to add this additional part of what I know and believe.  There are thousands, probably millions, of NGOs doing honorable, much needed work, on every inhabited continent in our world.  In many different areas.  I’m not talking geographic areas, I’m talking about areas like education, medicine, social work, food, rehabilitation, clean water, construction, I could go on and on.  Anyone and everyone can do something.  Whether it’s at home or abroad.  There are starfish to be tossed back into the sea.

I am well and hope you all are too.  Thanks for being out there.



2 thoughts on “Them Changes, cont.”

  1. Very heartwarming to read this and grasp a sense of life in all these pictures. I remember back when I first started dating Carrie (your daughter) and how I had learned of all the trips you’ve made down there and the labor-intensive work you performed in helping these communities BC (before Carrie and I dated). I had always imagined that one day I would be making a trip down there with you to do manual labor in some village. Now if I ever make it to Guatemala with you, I could offer up some IT support instead of the manual labor in the computer lab. You look so honored in those pictures you posted. Nice to know how all your generosity over the years has led to so many changes for the families there.

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