Veterans Memorial Park, Las Cruces, NM


This was my second visit to this park and, God willing, there will be more. This park is a work in progress and the next project will be a spot specifically honoring servicewomen.


These two photos are from my first visit and they are of a sculpture commemorating the Bataan Death March.




Whenever someone is scrolling through the pictures I have on my phone they always seem to stop a little longer on these.



When I was here last they were busily trying to get ready for the dedication of the Viet Nam Memorial site. They were in the final stages of landscaping the site and mounting the granite panels on which were etched the images of the people from New Mexico who gave “the last full measure” in Viet Nam.


The helicopter that is perched above the wall was added just recently even though it was always a part of the original plan. The site continues to develop as funds are raised.





A couple of personal observation as a Viet Nam Vet; I am personally glad that they chose a Medivac ship, instead of a gunship, to display above the site. I would have loved to be in the room when that discussion took place. I can’t imagine you could talk to anyone who was “on the ground” in Viet Nam that wouldn’t express immense appreciation and respect for the men who flew in these medical helicopters. In addition, I want to say that I’ve been to “The Wall” in DC numerous times on two different trips to that city, and my head and my heart are permanently and emotionally attached to it. I can barely think about it without getting emotional. But having said that, this site in Las Cruces is a work of art as well and invokes in me all of the same feelings.


The people involved in the development of this site deserve tremendous respect and appreciation for their work. And I’m sure it was a difficult labor of love for family members when they were choosing the image of their loved ones to be etched in the granite of the memorial.


There is a panel dedicated to each branch of the service and within those panels are photographs etched in the granite as well as the unit patches that served in Viet Nam.  That’s my sister and I reflected in this panel.


This map is on the ground in the center of the site.  As a fund raiser companies and people can have dedication inscriptions added to one of the bricks.  You can see the upside down helicopter reflected in the granite.




As I wrote earlier in this post, a visit to this park will be a regular part of my visits to this area.  It is a good and hallowed place.


2 thoughts on “Veterans Memorial Park, Las Cruces, NM”

  1. I would have guessed you would have upgraded the camper by now. Looks like your having a fantastic time. Enjoy!

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