To Be Grateful, ……….

…………… is to be truly alive.

There are moments, more and more, when I get a little overwhelmed with this whole experience.  I hate to keep using this analogy but it is the best movie I’ve ever watched.  And I keep thinking that it won’t end with the words “The End”, but rather with, ……. “to be continued”.

I want to thank my good friends Ro and Tim for once again taking such good care of me.  For me, our times together are so precious.  Many of you reading this will remember that I was able to spend many days up north near Crosby at a cabin on Rogers Lake.  It was their cabin and through their generosity and trust became a very special place for me.  My time there with them, and by myself, doesn’t have a word that adequately expresses what a gift that was.  It was a place of peace, rest, and sometimes healing for me.

The cabin now belongs to someone else but the friendship lives on.  And that is the greater gift.

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