Cottonwood, Sonora, Flagstaff, and other points south of the Grand Canyon

I camped at the Dead Horse Ranch State Park in Cottonwood. I can see why a horse died there. Just kidding, it wasn’t that bad. The state park isn’t much but the area is great exploring. The towns of Cottonwood and Jerome both have historic town centers that are a nice visit and not nearly as crowded as Sonora.


I think I’ve posted a few sunrise shots, but no sunsets, so here’s one. Nothin’ special but I took it in the campground.



Adrianna’s is a great Mexican restaurant in historic Cottonwood. I made a couple of stops there, both for the food and the wifi.


Across the street was this little gem. I had to go in. It smelled just like a lot of places I’ve been and sold all of the same stuff as “back in the day”.



Just north of Cottonwood on Page Springs Road there are several little wineries that are certainly worth the time if you like them. Go early though for breakfast wine, ‘cause they get busy in the afternoons. C’mon people, I’m just kidding.

Sonora is THE popular place in the area. When I say popular I mean crowded. It IS beautiful here. I give Sonora A+ for scenery and a D for all afternoon traffic jam. I also deduct points for spotting one woman with white, jeweled cowboy boots and one man with a starched denim shirt. Overall grade, C+. Ok, I’m still just messin’ with ya.


Here’s some shots of the Sonora area. These are all essentially right in town.














On the way up to the Grand Canyon I blew through Sonora bright and early so I could drive up the Oak Creek Canyon between Sonora and Flagstaff. Was rewarded with some great early morning light.

I stayed in Flagstaff one night. I sat in Adrianna’s and did a web search looking for an RV Park and Storage in the area. I had already decided that I was going to return to Tucson to celebrate Easter with friends and I was hoping to not have to pull the camper all the way down there and all the way back. I found Woody’s Mountain Camp and Storage in Flagstaff. When I called and told him I was looking for a place to camp one night, and then store my trailer through the weekend, he said sure we can do that. When I asked him if I should make a reservation he laughed and said, “We got plenty of room, it’s still a little cold up here overnight for most campers.” It had been 18 the night before. He was right of course. He had about 50 or 60 sites in his campground and there were about eight of us camping. It all worked out great. Woody and his wife are great people and I was able to find a church that night to celebrate The Lord’s Supper.

So, that’s it for a few days. I’m going to blow down to Tucson for Easter weekend, and Monday morning I’ll be off at O’ dark thirty heading back north, where next week I hope to regale you with adventures in southern Utah.

Have a great Easter weekend. I am well and hope you all are too.

One thought on “Cottonwood, Sonora, Flagstaff, and other points south of the Grand Canyon”

  1. Hello Eric, We just missed each other by a day at the Grand Canyon. I agree pictures don’t due justice of the Grand Canyon. I couldn’t get to close to the edge, my legs wouldn’t let me. To see some people walk right up and sit on the edge even may be uneasy. Wednesday 3/23 when we went, was quite chilly and windy. Even for us Minnesotans. I had to buy a parka. money well spent. Glad your getting to do the things you have wanted to do. I look forward to your Blogs as you have gotten quite good at writing them. Safe travels and see ya.

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