Zion, Day 1

I’m not sure what to say. Just like pictures sometimes don’t seem to do justice to what the eye sees, words sometimes feel like they fall short as well. I was able to do a drive through Zion National Park once years ago.  This would have been in the 80s sometime. Zion rushed up to, and blew past the line of both my memory and my expectations.


On the way into the park it was overcast, cold, foggy in places, and flurries.  But you just have to stop and look, and smell, and listen.



I think every traveler has a favorite. Anyone could make the case that Zion is the treasure of treasures.  Whoever named this park……


I wrote to my friend Mar in an exchange of texts that I didn’t think any one person deserved to see all that I have seen. So I’ll just say I’m trying to live up to the worthiness of God’s artistry.



I took these two shots standing in the same place.  The water and the high altitude wind were the only sounds.







These last shots were taken up in an area called the Kolob Terrace.  The Kolob Reservoir Road goes in and out of the park up the west side.  This time of year they only go so far with the plow.  Eventually it just turns into dirt.  I felt like I had the place to myself.  In a couple of hours I went from Spring to Winter and back to Spring.


When you are off the park boundary, the canyon has some picturesque ranches.


Tomorrow, Zion, Day 2.

4 thoughts on “Zion, Day 1”

  1. Good grief, E! I think all this time you have been hiding behind a desk in an office, just messin’ with us all… when really, you are a regular Ansel Adams, only with a cell phone camera!! Just stunning photos. You’ve outdone yrself. I do believe a “coffee table book” of all yr trip pix is in order when you return from this wonderful journey. ☺ Thanks for sharing it all with us! jk

  2. This looks amazing! The pictures you took are fabulous! You have to print these images. What a beautiful place.

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