Sunday, April 10th, Moab, UT

I want to say right from the jump that I love Moab.  It’s a mountain town, it’s bustling, it’s not too big and not too small, and there seem to be about 20,000 bikes.  When I was through here the other day, the day I went to Arches National Park, I tried to move my camp up here from Blanding, but there was no room at the inn.  Did I mention earlier that Blanding should really be named Bland?  I checked with about three different campgrounds and they were all full, so I gave up.  The campground is not full in Bland.

I knew I would be back through here.  To get into Canyonlands National Park from the north, I would have to go through Moab.  I planned that second trip for Sunday ’cause Moab also has the only Catholic Church over in this part of the state, St. Pius X Catholic Church.  I was glad I did it that way because the Pastor, Father Bill Wheaton gave a great homily connecting love and service.  He went through a whole list of “love is this”, or “love is ……,” fill in your own.  He was of a mind that love is, in the end, about service.  Service is love in action. The Gospel was the story of Jesus asking Peter three times, “Peter, do you love me?”  Each time Peter proclaimed his love, Jesus challenged him to turn his love into action.  “Peter, feed my sheep.”  “Tend my flock”.  I liked Father Bill immensely.  Ok? …….

Change gears.

I woke up this morning thinking today is going to be selfie day.  Yup, I was going to turn over a new leaf.  Ha, had you goin’ there for a minute didn’t I?  I did however have this feeling that I wanted to take a day off from pictures.  That I just wanted to relax, give the sabbath it’s due, and enjoy the scenery, and not be giving great energy to photo results.  I did have this idea to make it a mono day.  That if I saw something that looked like it might render well in black and white, I would shoot it.  I also wanted to spend just a certain amount of time in the Park because I had my eye on this bike path in Moab along the Colorado River.


I’m not knocked out by the results, but here are a few I thought might be something.




Here I go with the wood again.





And for those of you who are just not in to black and white, …………….





My reward after a couple of hours on that bike path I mentioned. 🙂

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