I wish I could be …….

…… whining about the fact that winter just chased me right down here, but what the folks on the eastern seaboard are experiencing keeps my perspective in tact and my whining to a minimum.

Yesterday I spent some time thinking about the line between hardy and fool hardy.  It was 28 in southern Alabama and the Florida panhandle last night.  That, and the fact that I need to see a doctor, caused me to retreat to the Econo Lodge.  I suspect I might have shingles and needed to stay in a place I could find an Urgent Care clinic.  I found one but it isn’t open until tomorrow.  I thought that was the better choice than a minute clinic.  I didn’t come all this way to sit in motels but what are ya gonna do?  I promised my kids I would always be making the sensible choices.

This morning I went to church at Our Lady of Victory in Crestview, FL.  Tomorrow I’ll see a doc and then hope to head up into the Conecuh National Forest just over the line in Alabama.  In the meantime I’ll get to see the conference championship football games that I didn’t think I’d be seeing.  I know, it’s not much of a silver lining.  So far it’s been snow, freezing rain, and wind chills in the lower 20s.  But the weather is threatening to go back to normal, so at some point I hope to post some pics of my home away from home.

8 thoughts on “I wish I could be …….”

  1. Oh Eric! I am so sorry you’ve hit these bumps in the road! I am glad to know you are safe and warm though. Hopefully you aren’t dealing with shingles! You’ve earned this wonderful adventure and it doesn’t seem right that you should have to deal with that!! Boo! Keep us posted and know you are in my prayers.

  2. Hello Eric, we are enjoying your journey. I had shingles a few years ago and they are very painful. Debra and I hope you continue with safe travel. We will miss you Tuesday night. God bless.

  3. Good morning Eric!
    Good luck at the doctor today. Praying it is an easy fix and you will be enjoying your time away soon. Also praying for warmer weather for you. I still haven’t gotten to enjoy my winter activities yet so I’m hoping for another few months of snow.
    Always in my thoughts and prayers!

  4. Eric: Sorry to hear about the shingles wrinkle. I commend you on your wise decision on this. Mary and I will simply crank up the daily prayers. Stay warm if you can.

    1. Hey Cath,
      Thanks for checking in. So far it’s been see your breath, stocking cap camping so no missing the air.
      Maybe in April when I’m in southern Utah. Truth is I don’t run my air very much either at home or in the car
      so don’t you worry too much!

  5. Hi Eric! I have enjoyed your posts and following your adventures so far! I hope you are feeling better. I can’t wait to see all of your amazing pictures and read about your journey over the next few months. I am thinking of you!

  6. Your Dad would probably tell you to come home and get back to work. I say keep on truckin’. Hope you find the warmth and sunshine soon. And, I hope you feel better.

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