Greetings from my dining room table


Yup, I’m back in MN safe and sound.  Well safe anyway.  And sitting at the table where this all started.  I went to morning Mass this morning to give thanks.  Not only for safe journeys, but a very trouble free trip as well.

I don’t know how many of you are still out there but the answer to the question, “what about the blog?”, is I don’t know.  I’ll certainly have other travels, and will plan on chronicling them, but what to do in the meantime, if anything, I just don’t know.

So for now, I want to thank everyone again for following along and giving me such encouragement.  It is a blessing beyond description.

love you all,



11 thoughts on “Greetings from my dining room table”

  1. Welcome home Eric!
    Thanks for sharing your travels with us, you did an outstanding job! You look great too.

  2. I’m so glad you shared your travels with us! I have missed you so much. Can’t wait to see you and give you a hug!

  3. Welcome home Eric! Enjoyed reading your blog. You should be so proud of what you accomplished. What a treat it was hearing all your stories. Hoping to see you soon.

  4. Was so great to actually see you back here again, safe & looking healthy & HAPPY…. We’ll all be right here- ready to follow along on the next phase(s) of yr “Gone Wanderin’ ” adventure(s), should you choose to share with us again! (Personally, I’ll be patiently awaiting news of that coffee table book being published of the beautiful scenery you captured with your cell phone camera! 🙂 )

  5. So glad you are back! Wondering what the next adventure will be….Interested in selling a couple of prints from your travels?

  6. Welcome back Eric! I’m so glad you had a great time. I can only hope and dream of taking that adventure. Looking forward to catching up with you and listening to what you have planned next. Let me know when you have some free time for lunch.

  7. So glad you’re home safe! Thanks for taking us along on your great adventure! I will always be grateful for the time our paths crossed in this life and wish all things wonderful be bestowed on you.

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