Hey, another blog,…….. finally!


Here we are back in my dining room, otherwise known as the launch pad.

One of the blessings of retirement is being able to do some of those things you’ve thought about doing for a long time, waiting to have the time.  Of course once out of excuses you actually have to start doing them.  This is important because all of those things aren’t necessarily just the fun things.  Some of them are tasks that are tedious, time consuming, and in some cases involve spending money.

One of the things I’ve discovered about retirement is once you don’t have the routines of discipline like going to work, task fulfillment and various obligations while there, etc., the self starter in you still has to find itself.  And sometimes it pretends to be a little blind.  But I digress.

So why is our wanderer writing a blog after months of silence?

One of the trips I’ve long thought about doing is circumnavigating Lake Superior, so it’s time to hitch up the camper, hit the road, and do some blogging again for a couple of weeks.  I’ve never been on the road from Sault St. Marie around to Thunder Bay, so that part of the trip will be a complete new adventure.

So for my faithful followers out there, I plan to go back over my history of comments, try to remember as best I can the many people who have graced me with their comments in conversations that we’ve had over the summer, and reach out.  It seems rather daunting, but I’ll do my best.  If I miss someone, maybe word of mouth will find you.

In the meantime, I am well and hope you all are too.


3 thoughts on “Hey, another blog,…….. finally!”

  1. Ok little brother “on the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again” ???, prayers up. God bless. Be safe and be well. Love you to pieces…….

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