Rainbow Falls Provincial Park, Schreiber, Ontario

Something new, a Provincial Park that actually has a town near it. And Schreiber turned out to offer a couple of interesting surprises. More on that.


Although the drive from Pancake Bay up to Rainbow Falls was a rainy one, it was a long breathtaking stretch passing through the heart of Lake Superior Provincial Park and skirting Pukaskwa National Park. Think of the North Shore on steroids without the towns. During this sojourn, I glimpsed a bull moose munching on some lily pads, their favorite treat, and had a big black bear cross the road in front of me so close I had to brake hard. Couple those with the scenery and you have a top ten day of travel, in spite of the rain, although it did clear late in the day.   Rainbow Falls Campground? Not so much. I ended up staying just one night.


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