Thunder Bay, Ontario, Thursday, September 15th

marielouiseIn the morning, after a walk down along the lake, I drove into Thunder Bay with a number of missions; K cups, an oil change, cigars, and the Sleeping Giant Brewery. And if there was time, a visit to Historic Ft. William. I figured doing those would quench my desire to “see” Thunder Bay. All missions were accomplished except Ft. William, which I’ll stop at on my way back into Minnesota tomorrow. It’s out on the south end of town on the road to Grand Portage. Sleeping Giant Brewery has an excellent English Pale Ale. I can’t find the words of pleasure ‘cause all throughout Ontario so far I haven’t found a single place that makes strong coffee or carries anything other than various versions what can only be called light beer. Yikes, what’s a coffee and beer snob to do?

One thought on “Thunder Bay, Ontario, Thursday, September 15th”

  1. Them there Ontarians just don’t know what they are missing out on…..strong coffee & beer are two of life’s greatest pleasures 🙂

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