The Terry Fox Story Re-told

tflookoutThis photo is taken over looking Thunder Bay from the Terry Fox Memorial Lookout and Visitor Center. Remember Terry Fox? In 1980, with his cancer somewhat in remission, he attempted to run across Canada on a prosthetic leg to raise money for cancer research. Cancer had taken his right leg several years before.

He fell short of his goal. But only of his running goal. Just east of here is a sign marking the spot where Terry, his cancer once again trying to take his body, had to stop his run. Implored by his family and support team, without fanfare, he climbed into the van and rode into Thunder Bay.  He had run close to the equivalent of a marathon for 143 straight days. Terry slipped into the Kingdom the following year.

His legacy of fundraising alone is enough that his story should be remembered. In the 35 years since, hundreds of millions of dollars have been raised for cancer research in Terry’s name. But it is his legacy of courage and inspiration that has cemented his place as a Canadian Icon.

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