Home in Guatemala

It seems like the best thing to do first is to show you my home for the next month.  Think of it as the latest version of a campsite with upgrades.


My apartment is situated in a small courtyard with six other apartments.  At the moment only one other appears to be occupied.  The courtyard is surrounded with chairs, benches, and small dinette sets.  Above where I’m sitting to take this picture is a terrace with two more apartments.


The apartment itself is small but well suited to my needs for a month.  There’s a bedroom with a bathroom and walk in closet adjacent, and a kitchen with a breakfast counter.



Situated in a very convenient location,  it’s only four blocks down to the Parque Centro (main square), and two blocks from La Merced, a frequent morning mass spot for me in my trips down here.  There’s a small store (tienda), right around the corner.

This morning I’ve already been to mass at the Cathedral, and my first tasks are going to be to find a power cord for my Kindle, which I left at home, and to buy a simple pre-paid phone to use while I’m down here.  It’s easier and cheaper to stay in touch with friends here, and I can get one for about 100 Q, which is about $13.

I am well and hope you all are too.

6 thoughts on “Home in Guatemala”

  1. Looks lovely. Glad you are there safe & have settled in 🙂 Also glad you are once again blogging – I look forward to it.

  2. Seeing this makes me miss Guatemala. I loved my times there. Maybe someday I’ll make it back. In the meantime I will visit vicariously through you! Blessings.

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