Old and New


There’s just no escaping the arches.  Actually Antigua has escaped the arches because business signs must be flat against the building.  They cannot hand out over the sidewalk or be lit.  This is a wise ordinance Antigua made years ago to preserve as much of the old historic character as possible.


An then, almost right across the street, are the old ruins of San Agustin Church.  There are many church ruins in Antigua.  Over the years, and sometimes centuries, they have been destroyed by war and earthquakes.  There are both government and privately sponsored efforts to restore some of them, but many stand simply fenced off in an effort to prevent further damage and vandalism.


Not very big by US standards, but this is a well stocked Office Depot. This wasn’t even a twinkle in the Office Depot’s eye six or seven years ago.



And right around the corner from OD, the partially restored back of San Agustin, now a museum and art gallery.


The Cathedral, one of my morning mass stops.

antiguabrewAnd as if in answer to prayers, 🙂 the micro brewing craze has come to Guatemala as well.  This place is new since my last trip here and the first of it’s kind in Antigua.

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