Friday Morning, November 18th

Mornings after mass are the best times to relax and hang out in the park.  It’s cool, (sweater or hoodie time), and quiet.  The city is just waking up and it’s before the very numerous street vendors descend on the park with their wares.  The most prominent sound is the rhythmic swish of the sweepers.



The building you see in the background photo of this worker houses the city offices and I believe it still is the residence of the mayor.


In recent days a flurry of activity has started in the park.  I’m guessing it is preparations for the Christmas Season.  The fountain is being cleaned and every day there’s been an army of ladder climbers stringing up lights in all the trees.  Last night I was on my way home after meeting my friends for a “winner, winner, chicken dinner”, and I swung by the park to see if they were turning them on yet.  Not yet, but I did capture this nighttime view of The Cathedral.



And here we are back to morning again.  This is the view when sitting at my regular perch for catching up on emails, reading, and posting.  The ruins of the Church of Santa Teresa are right next door.

So a couple of days ago I started working on this post I called Now and Then.  It’s my thoughts on how Guatemala is different today versus when I first started coming.  I quickly realized it could turn into a monster post, so now I’m thinking it probably will be a series of posts and I need to get them organized in my head.  Stay tuned, hopefully it will be worth the wait. 🙂

I am very well and hope you all are too.


3 thoughts on “Friday Morning, November 18th”

  1. What the heck, did you go all that way just to go to church??
    Your place looks nice and comfy, good for you.
    Hey, I just finished the new Lee Child “Night School” book this past weekend at the lake. It is excellent and I really enjoyed it.
    Do you want me to ship it down to you?
    Send me your address, APP can pay the freight.
    Good luck my friend, be safe.

    1. No, but church is good for me wherever I am. I have plenty of reading material with me
      so just hang on to Night School, I’ll pick it up when I get back. Thanks.

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