Happy Thanksgiving!

While I’m under no illusion that there’s many of you “out there” today, I still want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.  It has always been my favorite holiday, mostly because it’s just about family and food without a lot of distractions.  The retail world and black friday notwithstanding of course.  I can’t even bring myself to capitalize black friday.

While I don’t always see my kids on this actual day, I will still miss them especially today.  They have lots of family “obligations” on a day like today, so we have in the past often gotten together on the day before.  I will get to talk to them on the phone.  Every year my son-in-law Adam has to leave for Chicago on Friday for a big convention and has to spend the rest of the holiday weekend working.

Today I’ll be having dinner with friends and my Guatemalan family, the Westbys.

I pray for safe travels for all of you as you visit the important people in your lives.  And if you’re cooking, don’t burn anything, especially yourself.

Only brown and white!  🙂  (some of you will know what that means)

2 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! I caught up on your adventures that morning and thought of Thanksgivings of past at grandpa’s. I had Thanksgiving with some of my Alaska family while mom and dad had Thanksgiving with their Cruces family. I did not discriminate against any of the colors: turkey, sweet potato casserole, corn casserole, deviled eggs, cranberries, fruit salad, apple cake, pecan pie, and key lime pie. Only brown and white. Poppycock!

    I hope all is well ?. I, as always, enjoy reading your stories and I love you.

    1. Ah Honey, the misguided use of the room in your stomach causes me great angst. 😉
      BTW, as the instigator and expert on this great practice, I declare deviled eggs as
      qualified because they are mostly white. (and I like them a lot) 🙂

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